Tiny Facts

  •  Family man who lives in the beautiful mountains of West Virginia. As an old neighbor of mine pointed out, I ain't no local. True I wasn't born here but I got here just as fast as I could. The family man part still occasionally surprises me and many of my old friends.
  •  Occasional athlete in my younger days. I was a high school and college athlete of no renown. I was an avid kayaker, runner, and cyclist in my 20's and 30's then just kinda...wasn't. I could point a finger at many culprits there but probably should just aim that finger back at me.  
  • Best described as a member of the Clydesdale division of life. I've always been a “tall” guy but slowly became a member of the “big” club as well. That last one is not really a club I want to be a member of. That's what started this whole thing.
  • Once a vegetarian for 7 years but quit when I went to Mexico on a first descent kayak expedition. We were eating MRE's and the US military isn't famous for it's vegetarian cuisine. When I began eating meat in preparation for that trip I ate Burger King Whoppers. Amazingly, my gut had no reaction to them. 
  • Well known sardonic curmudgeon who is looking forward to being the old guy who chases the neighbor kids out of my yard while ranting about the old days. Ok, I might already be that guy...